Monday, February 28, 2011

Music: TERRY PRATCHETT's "Soul Music" (A Discworld Novel)


After all the stress and huge amounts of learning during the exam period, I felt the need to do some reading for my soul. I decided to fulfill my soul's need with something close to my heart: reading about music and decided to read Terry Pratchett's "Soul Music". I love the way he writes, his smart wit and funny ironies! He writes stories where you find yourself laughing so hard in a bus, that the people around you look at you asking themselves were you ran from.
I previously read his "Small Gods" and enjoyed it immensely. The world he creates is so beautiful and in the same time full of criticism towards our real world, that you cannot not find yourself in there. His characters are also colorful and alive.
Back to "Soul Music"... Well, it's about music... heavy or rock or hard rock music... in a world, where this sort of music is not common at all... I sometimes find myself humming some heavy melodic songs while reading about the music. I haven't finished it yet, but I am closing the ending and I am sure I will love it just as much as I love it until now. Will come back and mention if I didn't.

Here you can find more about Terry Pratchett's books.

Have you also read Terry Pratchett's books? What's your favorite?